works with universities, community colleges, faculty, students and election officials to reduce barriers to student voting.
Our goal is to help campuses institutionalize reforms that empower students with the information they need to register and vote.
colleges and universities
states with a combined enrollment of
million students
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla faucibus ex id hendrerit congue. Quisque sed orci tellus. Donec eu sapien diam. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean id accumsan nunc, eget sodales lectus. Ut sit amet auctor quam, non mattis quam.
Historically, young adults have voted at lower rates than older cohorts. They are also the newest members of our democracy, move more frequently, are less likely to have a driver’s license, and are less likely to be contacted directly by political campaigns then older age groups, all of which are barriers to registering and voting.
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