Hispanics and Latinos make up the largest minority group in the United States.
Everyone who is eligible to vote must be registered to vote in the state in which they reside.
In order to be eligible to vote, you must:
Register, make a plan (in-person, by mail/ absentee, or early voting), and don’t forget to inform yourself on what is on the ballot and your state’s voter ID requirements
Absentee allows voters to vote early either by mail or drop box
Vote in person before Election Day
Voto Latino is a civic engagement organization focused on educating and empowering a new generation of Latinx voters, as well as creating a more robust and inclusive democracy. Through innovative digital campaigns, culturally relevant programs and authentic voices, they shepherd the Latinx community towards full realization of its political power.
With Voto Latino you can register to vote, check your registration, or request an absentee ballot.
The Voto Latino website can be translated into Spanish. Just click “Español” in top right corner of the page!
Voto Latino also has easy-to-access resources explaining the importance of the Hispanic/Latinx vote and informing on issues that may matter to Hispanic/Latinx voters.
PoderLatinx is a civic and social justice organization dedicated to strengthening the political power of the Latinx community across the country.
Their mission is to build a sustained progressive voting bloc of Latinxs in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Washington. They do this by leading an integrated voter engagement program where all aspects of voter engagement, issue-based campaigns, leadership development, voting reform and protection, and narrative change form a continuous cycle of political consciousness.
They host multiple valuable programs for young Latina/x voters who want to get involved in advocating for their communities.
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