In an age of hyperpartisanship, judicial rollbacks of long-established civil and voting rights, and another redistricting cycle dominated by gerrymandering headlines, this survey shows us that college students, rightfully, are skeptical of the impact their individual vote can have. However, the survey is a roadmap for Campus Vote Project, our student Democracy Fellows, and college and university faculty and staff across the country to help students see through on their desire to vote and have their voices heard on the issues they are passionate about by providing them with the information they need about the election process, including who is on the ballot, and specific examples of the impact their collective turnout has already had in recent elections.
Following this roadmap is crucial as research shows that our democracy’s youngest voters have the ability to play a significant role in the outcome of these elections – if they are registered.
Chart shows/ranked by Total Audience, % “Very Convincing”
Messaging about student voting should include concrete examples of times when young people made a difference and influenced outcomes.
Ex. “In 2020, young-voter turnout increased by 11-points, resulting in the youngest and most diverse Congress in U.S. history.
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