Midterm Election Shows Clear Rebuke of Election Denialism

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WASHINGTON — As reporting of the 2022 midterm election results continues, Robert Brandon, President & CEO of Fair Elections Center, a leading national, nonpartisan voting rights and election reform organization, issued the following statement:

“This year’s midterm election was a clear win for democracy and a clear rebuke of election denialism. Early results show voters rejected a majority of governor and secretary of state candidates who refused to say they would have certified the 2020 election and strongly suggested that the only legitimate election is an election in which their party wins. Voters abandoned many anti-democracy candidates who would eliminate electoral fairness and integrity in America.

Despite partisan, extremist efforts to undermine trust in our elections, voters of all backgrounds turned out in significant numbers, even if it meant overcoming long lines or facing restrictive voting laws. Notably, young people mobilized on college campuses and in their communities to turn out in significant numbers, defying common expectations and playing a pivotal role in our elections. Such turnout matters because the future of our democracy hinges on the faith of our younger generation in our elections. This level of enthusiasm also highlights the importance of investing in polling sites, poll worker recruitment and other election infrastructure to help election officials ensure that future elections can run even more smoothly. In the meantime, let’s be patient and provide our election officials with the time they need to count every vote and make sure that each voter’s voice is heard.”